Colonial America Worksheets

Step back in time with our compelling FREE worksheets on COLONIAL AMERICA. Journey through an era when the New World was being settled, and colonies sprung up along its coasts. Dive deep into the mysteries of Roanoke, walk the streets of Jamestown, sail with the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower, and stand on the frontlines of the French-Indian War. These worksheets pull back the curtain on the struggles, triumphs, and daily life of early settlers in a land of promise and peril.

Our collection, meticulously curated for eager learners, brings to life the tales and testimonies of colonial America. Whether you're a student curious about the foundation of the United States, or a teacher searching for clear and engaging resources, our worksheets cater to all needs. Each one is rated for readability, ensuring the right fit for every age group. Journey through the colonial tapestry of stories that laid the groundwork for a burgeoning nation. Dive into the heart of colonial America today!

The Lost Colony of Roanoke Worksheet
Dive into the mystery of the LOST COLONY OF ROANOKE with this FREE WORKSHEET. This was England's first colony in America, and it did not go well. Crafted to engage young minds, this worksheet is a perfect tool to begin a unit on Colonial America.
This is a preview image of our The Lost Colony of Roanoke Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
Jamestown Worksheet
Step back in time with this FREE WORKSHEET on JAMESTOWN, the first permanent English colony. From harsh winters to the golden allure of tobacco, learn about settlers who dared to shape their destiny. Written for young historians, this worksheet is an ideal springboard into the fascinating era of early American colonization.
This is a preview image of our Jamestown Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
The Mayflower Worksheet
Embark on the adventurous journey of the MAYFLOWER with this captivating FREE WORKSHEET. Discover the Pilgrims' brave quest for religious freedom and their challenging start in America. A perfect activity for young learners diving into the early chapters of American history.
This is a preview image of our The Mayflower Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
The First Thanksgiving Worksheet
Journey back to the very FIRST THANKSGIVING in 1621 with this captivating worksheet! Witness the alliance of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe in a tale of survival, trust, and celebration. A great activity to help celebrate this great American holiday, featuring text written to captivate curious learners!
This is a preview image of our The First Thanksgiving Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
New Netherland Worksheet
Embark on an adventure with the DUTCH IN NEW NETHERLAND through this awesome free worksheet! Discover the vibrant legacy of Dutch culture and trade in the city that would become New York. A perfect supplement for a deeper dive into American colonial history, written with vivid details to engage eager explorers!
This is a preview image of our New Netherland Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
The Salem Witch Trials Worksheet
Dive deep into the mystical and chilling era of the Salem Witch Trials with this enchanting worksheet! Explore the dark and stormy period of 1692, where whispers of witchcraft led to a frenzied and tragic witch hunt through the narrow lanes of Salem Village. Learn about a community caught in a web of hysteria and explore the lasting impact of this historical event. Engage and bewitch your students with this awesome activity.
This is a preview image of our The Salem Witch Trials Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.