Elements of Fiction Worksheets

Elements of fiction is a general phrase. It refers to things we study that make up a story. Here are some elements of fiction:

This page features a wealth of worksheets on the elements of fiction. Check out this page if you are looking for literary techniques like allusion or foreshadowing.

Setting Worksheet
Here is a WAY helpful worksheet on setting. Students read short paragraphs. They identify WHEN and WHERE the story takes place. Then they explain HOW they know.
This is a preview image of our Setting Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
Character Traits Worksheet
Here's a dynamite worksheet on character traits. Students read short paragraphs. They analyze the behavior of characters. Then they choose a trait that describes that character and explain their answers.
This is a preview image of our Character Traits Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
Conflict Worksheet
Here's a extra awesome worksheet on conflict. Students read short story summaries. Then they identify the PROTAGONIST and ANTAGONIST. And they find the TYPE OF CONFLICT.
This is a preview image of our Conflict Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
Mood Worksheet
Here is a fun new worksheet about mood. Use this worksheet to study literary mood with primary grade students. Students read the short scenes and describe the mood. Then they explain their answers.
This is a preview image of our Mood Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
Tone Worksheet
Check out this ultra-exciting worksheet on tone. Students read paragraphs with strong tones. They choose which tone words describes the author's attitude. Then they explain their answers using text.
This is a preview image of our Tone Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
Point of View Worksheet
Here is an astoundingly helpful worksheet on point of view. Students read the short paragraphs and determine the narrator's viewpoint. They can choose from first person, second person, and third person. Then they explain their answers.
This is a preview image of our Point of View Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.