History Worksheets

Dive into the fascinating world of history with these engaging worksheets, designed to illuminate both American and World History. As students explore the events, figures, and cultures that have shaped our global community, they will also hone their reading, writing, and analytical abilities.

I've crafted these history worksheets to be inclusive and cater to different reading levels, ensuring that every learner finds them approachable. Look for the readability score located at the bottom of each worksheet's preview page to see if these worksheets are right for your purpose. My aim is for these resources to be a valuable tool in your educational journey. Enjoy discovering the past!

American History Worksheets
Check out these awesome FREE AMERICAN HISTORY WORKSHEETS. These skill focused worksheets cover early American history to the present. Skill focused questions are aligned with the CCSS. CLICK HERE and check them out now!
This is a preview image of one of our American History Worksheets. Click on it to view all of our history worksheets.