Verb Worksheets

A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. I teach students about actions first. Then I teach them about states of being. And then I teach them about tense and conjugation.

This page features a bunch of verb worksheets. I hope they prove useful in your home or classroom.

Past Tense Verbs Worksheet
Here's a dandy worksheet on verbs and simple past tense. Students practice cojugating the verbs by adding -d or -ed. Then they practice turning simple present tense sentences into simple past tense.
This is a preview image of our Past Tense Verbs Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
Irregular Verbs Worksheet
Here's a rowdy, pirate-themed worksheet on irregular verbs. Students read the senteces with the irregular verbs written in simple-present tense. Then they rewrite the sentences in simple-past tense and conjugate the irregular verbs.
This is a preview image of our Irregular Verbs Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.