Noun Worksheets

A noun is a person, place, or thing. It can also be an idea. That's because ideas are things. They are just things that you can't touch: abstract nouns.

These noun worksheets will give your students a solid grammatical base.

Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet
Here is a simple noun worksheet to start your lesson or unit on nouns. Students read the sentences about knights. Then they practice turning singular nouns into plural nouns, and plural nouns to singular.
This is a preview image of our Singular and Plural Nouns Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
Irregular Nouns Worksheet
Here is a spooky worksheet about irregular nouns. Students read the frightening sentences. Then they rewrite the sentences and pluralize the irregular nouns.
This is a preview image of our Irregular Nouns Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
Common and Proper Nouns Worksheet
Here is a spectacular, activity-themed worksheet on common and proper nouns. Students practice turning common nouns into proper nouns. Then they rewrite sentences and capitalize proper nouns.
This is a preview image of our Common and Proper Nouns Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.
Concrete and Abstract Nouns Worksheet
Here is a really brainy worksheet on concrete and abstract nouns. Students read sentences with a bolded noun. They determine whether the noun is concrete or abstract. Mastery awaits those who complete this one.
This is a preview image of our Concrete and Abstract Nouns Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge this image and view the source file.